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KS4 Options 2022-24

All pupils in year 10 and 11 at Castle Donington College study English (language and literature), mathematics, science and non-examined PE. In addition, each pupil chooses four option subjects. They make their option choices in the spring term of year 9. The courses currently available to pupils are:

GCSE:  Art, Citizenship, Computer Science, Design, Drama, Food and Nutrition, French, Geography, Graphics, History, Media, Music, PE, Spanish, Textiles, Triple Science

Cambridge National Certificate: Child Development

Year 9 students will be given the opportunity to prepare for their choices through various activities and events during the Autumn and Spring Terms. This includes an option evening event and input from our careers team. Our Head of Year 9 and year 9 tutor team will be available to provide guidance throughout this process.

For further information on the options process, please contact Mr N. Barratt, Vice Principal.