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Safeguarding at Castle Donington College

It could happen here. It might be something. Safeguarding is everyone's responsibility.

Pursuant to the Education Act 2002 (Section 157), our school has implemented measures to protect and promote the well-being of children. Parents/caregivers should be aware that, as per the Children Act 2006, all school staff are legally obligated to report any information that raises concerns about a child's welfare, including risks of neglect, physical, emotional, or sexual abuse.

We will strive to discuss any concerns with the parent/caregiver and, if deemed necessary and feasible, obtain their consent before making a referral to social services, unless doing so would put the child at increased risk of harm. If we suspect a child may be suffering or at risk of significant harm, we will seek advice from social services. Please note that sometimes referrals turn out to be unfounded. Our designated safeguarding lead will carry out their responsibilities in compliance with the law and in the best interest of all children.

Ensuring the safety of our students is a top priority for our school. We strive to provide all students with the knowledge and tools to protect themselves both at school and beyond. All staff members receive annual safeguarding and child protection training, as well as refresher training throughout the year and regular updates. All staff also have completed training on PREVENT, as per the government's efforts to address extremism. They are able to identify students who may be vulnerable or at risk of radicalisation or extremism. 

National Keeping Children Safe in Education documentation can be found below

Useful Links and information can be found by pressing the button below:

We are all responsible for safeguarding children. If you have any concerns about a child please report it immediately to a member of our Safeguarding Team.